strawberry Tag

Your grocery store’s seasonal aisle is exploding with pink and red decorations, half of it dedicated to mass-produced, heart-shaped boxes of all sizes, filled with low-quality (and probably maraschino cherry-filled, EW!) chocolate, the other half lined with cartoon Valentines destined for some second grader’s hand-decorated...

It shrinks, it crumbles, it gets soggy and/or tough. It's a baker's badge of honor and summer fruits' best friend. All-butter, with shortening, sour cream and sometimes vodka, too. Filled with fruit, cream, custard and meringue – not to mention a variety of savory options as well,...

I promised it, and here it is. My SXSW 2014 wrapped up into a pretty recap, all the highlights, none of the hangover. Also cake. But first SXSW, abbreviated in to list form because it was a long 10 days and this girl gets wordy. The highlights: The Umbel...

Look familiar? Yes, I have already posted these Strawberry Cupcakes. No, the recipe has not changed. Why repost? Well, I'm a bit embarrassed about it.  When I first posted this recipe in February, I was still using my iPhone 4 (5 whole megapixels!) for my blog photography....

Ok, so I know what you're thinking. C'mon Katie, another berry recipe?  Yes, you may have noticed that I'm a little obsessed with berry desserts lately. (Like this one & this one.) I can't help it! I'm a slave to ripe, juicy berries. In my defense, I've wanted...

Oh Happy Day! Today is the first day of the BlogHer Food '13 conference! I'm pumped and ready to get my BlogHer on. Yesterday, it felt like the day before the first day of high school. I had some serious pre-conference jitters. What am I going to...

Can you believe it's already June? I can't. In Texas, June means a lot of things. It means we're quickly approaching a period where we hit 100 degrees for weeks on end. Days where one wouldn't even think about turning the oven on. It means river...

  I know I'm  a little bit late on this Mother's Day post. Just like I'm a little bit late on getting Mom's present together. And yes, I have an excuse. I had my biggest cake ball order yet this week! I made 300 cake balls...

My boss's favorite cupcakes are Strawberry. So what do you do when it's your boss's birthday and you happen to love to bake? You suck up. You suck up by making the fanciest strawberry cupcakes that you have ever made. That's right people, none of that box cake...