pumpkin Tag

Before last weekend, it had been far too long since I’d baked something. Like, three weeks too long. Now, I understand that for a normal person, that may seen like a perfectly reasonable, nay, healthy, interval of time to let pass between the baking, making and consumption...

Me + Pie. You might call us frenemies. I've always considered myself more of a cake girl. Until recently, I would eat pie once a year on Thanksgiving, and even then it was more an obligatory celebration of tradition (it's un-American not to eat pie...

First off, THANK YOU TIMES INFINITY to everybody who wished me happy birthday last week! I felt so very warm and fuzzy from all of the sweet comments on my birthday cake post and Instagram. You guys are the best. My 27th was so overwhelmingly fantastic...

Y'all. I'm wearing a sweater. Here in Austin, it's the first sweater-requiring day of the season. I'm loving it. I was in Chicago for the weekend visiting my 101 year-old great aunt (amazing, right?). It was cold. The leaves had turned and were starting to fall from the...

I love chai tea. Is there really even any other kind of tea? In my mind, no. Except for green tea. Which I am begrudgingly drinking by the gallon as part of my cleanse, wishing it were spicy and comforting, with a hint of milk and honey, like...

The high in Austin yesterday was 57 degrees. That means fall is officially upon us and I can finally stop boycotting pumpkin desserts. It's been hard, y'all. I'm glad to be jumping on the band wagon. Pumpkin for all! Hooray! Recently, a local Austin bakery decided...

This weekend was the Texas vs Oklahoma football game - and since the game is too painful to talk about, we're going to get a little nostalgic. TX vs OU weekend is basically Christmas for Longhorn Football fans. In college it was by far, the biggest...