oatmeal Tag

Oh hey, look at me! A healthy recipe! In order to redeem myself after last week’s (oh-so-delicious) Resolution Cookies, I thought I’d share something a little lighter. It is January after all, and I’d be lying if I said I weren’t feeling a little erm,...

I made these cookies this weekend for my Steve. My darling, lactose intolerant Steve. Because sometimes I feel bad that my, erm, lifestyle forces him to pop Lactaid like they're Skittles. And since he's sweet enough to be my taste-tester, even at the threat of gastrointestinal...

Y'all. I'm wearing a sweater. Here in Austin, it's the first sweater-requiring day of the season. I'm loving it. I was in Chicago for the weekend visiting my 101 year-old great aunt (amazing, right?). It was cold. The leaves had turned and were starting to fall from the...

In my mind, oatmeal cookies are healthier than other cookies. Sure, they still have butter and refined sugar in them. But they also have oats. Oats do all sorts of things. Like lower cholesterol...