ganache Tag

I’d like to pretend that the timing of this cake was intentional. Carefully planned to coincide with the film release heard around the world (or at least by those of us whose formative years fell in the 1990s) – the feat of computer-generated imagery (though...

I had y'all worried, did't I? I almost let Halloween slip by without posting an appropriately themed recipe. Things just got busy, ya know? But if I had gone and let that happen, then what kind of food blogger would I be? The kind that let’s...

I know what you're not thinking right now. Another Nutella recipe???  Because you guys love Nutella. Like, looooove Nutella. Like sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g -ing with Nutella. And when my shoulder angel tried to talk me out of two Nutella recipes in two...

It's a chocolate and raspberry kind of week in my world. I guess that's what happens when you make a bottomless batch of Chocolate Raspberry Ganache. By bottomless I don't actually mean bottomless. Though I do wish I had some kind of magical power so I could...

Remember my bestie, Miss Sheila Longbottom? We celebrated her 25th birthday last week, (25!!! Weren't we JUST in college?) so naturally it was my responsibility to craft her birthday cake. Speaking of, back in the good-ole college days we always went to P.F. Chang's for Sheila's celebratory birthday...

It's Dad's week here at Butterlust! In honor of Father's Day (yes, it's this Sunday) I'm going to be sharing dad-worthy recipes all week long. Let me tell you a little something about Greg. That's my dad. No, I don't call him Greg to his face, but...