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Before last weekend, it had been far too long since I’d baked something. Like, three weeks too long. Now, I understand that for a normal person, that may seen like a perfectly reasonable, nay, healthy, interval of time to let pass between the baking, making and consumption...

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of KitchenAid. All opinions and text are mine. Happy Friday! I really, really can’t believe it’s already here. Seriously, I think I blinked on Monday and woot! Hello Friday! And you guys, it’s not just any...

First off, THANK YOU TIMES INFINITY to everybody who wished me happy birthday last week! I felt so very warm and fuzzy from all of the sweet comments on my birthday cake post and Instagram. You guys are the best. My 27th was so overwhelmingly fantastic...

I love chai tea. Is there really even any other kind of tea? In my mind, no. Except for green tea. Which I am begrudgingly drinking by the gallon as part of my cleanse, wishing it were spicy and comforting, with a hint of milk and honey, like...