cake Tag

Can you believe it's already June? I can't. In Texas, June means a lot of things. It means we're quickly approaching a period where we hit 100 degrees for weeks on end. Days where one wouldn't even think about turning the oven on. It means river...

Confession. If there is such thing as a hoarder gene, I think I may have it. Not full on, TLC Hoarding: Buried Alive status, but I think there is a tiny little hoarder living somewhere in the back alleyways of my brain. We are having a garage...

As I was looking for a good Cookie Cake recipe, I came across quite a few that include cornstarch in the recipe. Huh? Cornstarch in cookies? The only things I've ever done with cornstarch are add it to gravy and make homemade silly putty. The rest...

This post is in honor of my fabulously youthful, eternally restless mother who  recently upped her crazy on me. Moms do that sometimes, right? Mine can't be the only one. Anyway. My mother, like most other women, is constantly searching for the fountain of youth. She...

Cake and booze, what could be better? I have been eating this cake for as long as a can remember. How long? Long enough that I can remember feeling very grown up for being allowed to eat dessert with alcohol as the star ingredient. In my point...

Before the Mexican border broke out into an all out drug war and became unsafe for gringas like me, it was a popular past time in TX to take off to border towns for a little weekend shopping. As a kid, I remember going with my mom to...