breakfast Tag

Oh hey, look at me! A healthy recipe! In order to redeem myself after last week’s (oh-so-delicious) Resolution Cookies, I thought I’d share something a little lighter. It is January after all, and I’d be lying if I said I weren’t feeling a little erm,...

SCUFFINS!!! No, that’s not the name of the newest muppet, nor is it a distant relative of the cutest, funniest little birds on the planet. It’s a Scone + Muffin = SCUFFIN!!! I’ve spent the last three days parading around my office, offering my coworkers Scuffins, looking for any...

Now that I’ve eaten my weight in dad’s special, butter-basted turkey, mom’s (ahem, Pepperidge Farm’s) herb stuffing and my sour cream pumpkin pie (minis this time), I can finally, without one speck of hey-one-holiday-at-a-time, lady guilt, write all mushy and excited-like about about CHRISTMAS!!! TWINKLE LIGHTS!...

I really don't know how to gracefully introduce this topic so I'm just going to come out and tell you: I got my first black eye. I'm currently sporting a slightly puffy eyelid, blushed a ripe purple and twinged with that shade of greenish-yellow-under-translucent-skin that only...

I love chai tea. Is there really even any other kind of tea? In my mind, no. Except for green tea. Which I am begrudgingly drinking by the gallon as part of my cleanse, wishing it were spicy and comforting, with a hint of milk and honey, like...

  I know I'm  a little bit late on this Mother's Day post. Just like I'm a little bit late on getting Mom's present together. And yes, I have an excuse. I had my biggest cake ball order yet this week! I made 300 cake balls...

In honor of Throwback Thursday (#tbt)  I'm sharing another throwback recipe like, Nancy's Whiskey Cake. This recipe has been in my family for a very, very long time. How long, I don't actually know but my mom ate Zucchini Bread as a little girl. It holds...