
A few weeks ago, just days before my birthday (!!!), I received the most epic of epic packages in the mail. The kind of package that makes you first, do giddy little dances around your kitchen second, post dreamy pictures to your Instagram account, and...

Cookie butter, methinks, is possibly the most dangerous butter invention in the history of buttery things. Besides the real deal of course. Perhaps a little behind the curve, I didn’t purchase my first jar until a few months ago. As I putzed down the aisles on...

First off, THANK YOU TIMES INFINITY to everybody who wished me happy birthday last week! I felt so very warm and fuzzy from all of the sweet comments on my birthday cake post and Instagram. You guys are the best. My 27th was so overwhelmingly fantastic...

Today is my 27th birthday! The never-dramatic interwebs tells me that today marks the death of my youth. That this day is a funeral of sorts. That it’s all hangovers and support hose from here on out. Seriously. Google it. Twenty-seven billion articles about how 27...

Happy Thursday! You made it, the week is almost over! Aaand I made you muffins for breakfast! Healthy muffins, at that! I was hesitant to call these muffins health food because, well, they're no kale salad, but I figured when compared to some of the other,...

The hours, days, weeks, months just keep FLYING THE HECK BY over here. My 27th birthday is in one week and six days (but who's counting?). what the?! According to the ever-wise, always-factual interwebs I'm about to enter a year of existential crisis coupled with the purchase...

This cake. Can ya even handle? Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cake. A simple name for a very un-simple kind of dessert. (I debated using a plethora of adjectives in the name -- Death By Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake, Ultimate Chocolate Peanut Butter Celebration Cake -- but in...

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Happy Friday! I’m headed to Detroit ROCK CITY on this lovely (steamy, hot) morning afternoon. Not gonna lie, I could totally get used to this 3-day work week situation. Though it has definitely resulted in a less productive me, at least where this...