
I've got so much honey, the bees envy me. Central Texas Wildflower Honey, that is. But we'll get to that in a minute. I absolutely love simplicity in my food. While it's fun to make cupcakes covered in buttercream and sprinkles and filled with curd/jam/whatever-craziness-I-can-come-up-with, nothing really...

Can you believe it's already June? I can't. In Texas, June means a lot of things. It means we're quickly approaching a period where we hit 100 degrees for weeks on end. Days where one wouldn't even think about turning the oven on. It means river...

HOLY CELEBRATION PEACHES ARE BACK! Sweet, juicy, glorious peaches!  We are still at the very tip of the season, but as soon as I saw them show up at my local market I couldn't resist snagging a few. Tip: When picking out ripe peaches, use your...

Let me start by saying I have absolutely no issue with gluten. Actually, I love gluten. I can't imagine life without perfectly chewy pizza dough, crusty french bread, or fluffy cupcakes. Would that even be a life worth living? I actually took part in a conversation this...

Confession. If there is such thing as a hoarder gene, I think I may have it. Not full on, TLC Hoarding: Buried Alive status, but I think there is a tiny little hoarder living somewhere in the back alleyways of my brain. We are having a garage...

It's been a good week in Butterlust Blog land! Not that every week isn't a good week. How can it not be when I'm surrounded by sugar and butter? But this week = extra good. Why so good you ask? Well, two reasons. First, thanks to all...

I’m jonesing for a tropical vacation this week. Maybe that’s why I’m making skinny cupcakes. My subconscious is prepping me for an imaginary vacation for which I am required to wear a bikini 12 hours a day. If this is an imaginary vacation let’s give me...

Chocolate on chocolate on chocolate. Chocolate for miles. These cupcakes are for all you chocolate-obsessed, coo-coo for cocoa, love choco-LOT folks out there. The cake is moist and dense and the icing is a thick, rich combination of 2 types of chocolate and 3 types of dairy...

  I know I'm  a little bit late on this Mother's Day post. Just like I'm a little bit late on getting Mom's present together. And yes, I have an excuse. I had my biggest cake ball order yet this week! I made 300 cake balls...