
Hey there, y'all! Today I'm sharing a recipe from my friends over at Zappos! That's right, Zappos isn't just about keeping you looking good, they also appreciate a good cookie! (I knew I always liked them.) As part of's temporary delve into the cookie business, they...

It's The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap 2013 recipe reveal day! Wahoo! Do a little happy dance! If you're a food blogger and you're not in on this, you should be. It's been so much fun. The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap is a nationwide cookie swap centered around...

Sometimes, life gives you chocolate cake. And sometimes that chocolate cake sticks to the pan. And then, sometimes that sticky chocolate cake crumbles into 170 million different pieces when you try to ever-so-gently wedge it out with your spatula. But don't cry over crumbled cake. When life gives you...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to all of you!!! I hope you and your families had a turkey-pie-stuffing-football-fun filled day! My day was spent with great food and even better company (shout out to Mom, Dad, Aunt Deb & Uncle Mark!).  It was just what the doctor ordered. Let...

Big news in my world, ladies and gents! As many of you know, I am not just a butter-and-edible-glitter-obsessed baker. In my other life, I'm a marketing and advertising professional who works big girl nine-to-five job.  Butterlust is something that I do for a hobby versus...

Did everybody have a good weekend? I know it's Tuesday and I'm a little late, but hey - I care! I went to my first Longhorn Football game of the season on Saturday! I was SO PUMPED to go. Unfortunately the boys didn't show up nearly...

Y'all. I'm wearing a sweater. Here in Austin, it's the first sweater-requiring day of the season. I'm loving it. I was in Chicago for the weekend visiting my 101 year-old great aunt (amazing, right?). It was cold. The leaves had turned and were starting to fall from the...