
I'm on a cleanse. And that means I'm grumpy. I'm grumpy so I'm making cupcakes to cheer myself up. The only problem is, I can't taste test anything. Ugh. Anyway, my coworker Dustin and I went to lunch the other day. Since I'm on a cleanse we had...

My boss's favorite cupcakes are Strawberry. So what do you do when it's your boss's birthday and you happen to love to bake? You suck up. You suck up by making the fanciest strawberry cupcakes that you have ever made. That's right people, none of that box cake...

Since it's Valentine's Day, I'm going to take it upon myself to give you some relationship advice. It has to do with men and cars. Better yet, it has to do with men and driving. Did I mention I can't promise that it's good advice? Here goes:...

I am coming off of a fabulous weekend in Chicago full of the best friends a girl could ask for, amazing food and more alcohol than I care to admit. True to form, we took the town by storm. Chicago may never be the same. We...

It seems like the older I get, the harder it is to come up with a good Halloween costume. I spent over an hour walking around the Halloween store last week, staring at row after row of cheaply made, over-priced costumes. All of them were either...

This weekend was the Texas vs Oklahoma football game - and since the game is too painful to talk about, we're going to get a little nostalgic. TX vs OU weekend is basically Christmas for Longhorn Football fans. In college it was by far, the biggest...

Have you ever traveled internationally? If you have, maybe you can relate to the combination of excitement and dread that starts to come over me when I think about boarding a 10 hour flight. - At first I get all excited thinking about what movie I'm going...

Mondays are rough. Have something boozy. If you're not a tequila person or if you're still hungover from this weekend's festivities, you should probably turn away now. These cupcake are not for the faint of heart...