
I know what you're not thinking right now. Another Nutella recipe???  Because you guys love Nutella. Like, looooove Nutella. Like sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g -ing with Nutella. And when my shoulder angel tried to talk me out of two Nutella recipes in two...

I'm back! I'm alive! SXSW is officially over, thank goodness! Four days later, I'm still in recovery mode. Unfortunately, mid-way through last week I contracted a nasty cold - the product of too many handshakes & not enough hand sanitizer - and I'm slowly working my way...

About Austin Eats: This week I am featuring some of my favorite spots to eat in Austin as part of the Austin Food Blogger’s Alliance 2014 City Guide. Check out any of my featured spots or hop on over to the City Guide (coming Feb 27!) to...

Look familiar? Yes, I have already posted these Strawberry Cupcakes. No, the recipe has not changed. Why repost? Well, I'm a bit embarrassed about it.  When I first posted this recipe in February, I was still using my iPhone 4 (5 whole megapixels!) for my blog photography....

My friend is moving to London to get her MBA. Fancy, I know. So naturally, I made her America Cupcakes. Patriotic Funfetti Cupcakes to be precise. You know, so when she's over there hanging out with Princess Kate and meeting cute British boys with even cuter accents,...

HOLY CELEBRATION PEACHES ARE BACK! Sweet, juicy, glorious peaches!  We are still at the very tip of the season, but as soon as I saw them show up at my local market I couldn't resist snagging a few. Tip: When picking out ripe peaches, use your...

Let me start by saying I have absolutely no issue with gluten. Actually, I love gluten. I can't imagine life without perfectly chewy pizza dough, crusty french bread, or fluffy cupcakes. Would that even be a life worth living? I actually took part in a conversation this...

I’m jonesing for a tropical vacation this week. Maybe that’s why I’m making skinny cupcakes. My subconscious is prepping me for an imaginary vacation for which I am required to wear a bikini 12 hours a day. If this is an imaginary vacation let’s give me...

Chocolate on chocolate on chocolate. Chocolate for miles. These cupcakes are for all you chocolate-obsessed, coo-coo for cocoa, love choco-LOT folks out there. The cake is moist and dense and the icing is a thick, rich combination of 2 types of chocolate and 3 types of dairy...