Author: KWahlman

In honor of Throwback Thursday (#tbt)  I'm sharing another throwback recipe like, Nancy's Whiskey Cake. This recipe has been in my family for a very, very long time. How long, I don't actually know but my mom ate Zucchini Bread as a little girl. It holds...

In my mind, oatmeal cookies are healthier than other cookies. Sure, they still have butter and refined sugar in them. But they also have oats. Oats do all sorts of things. Like lower cholesterol...

I was looking through my posts the other day and realized that I have been neglecting you. I apologize. How I could let this much time pass without sharing a single recipe containing the gloriousness that is peanut butter is an embarassment. If there is...

As I was looking for a good Cookie Cake recipe, I came across quite a few that include cornstarch in the recipe. Huh? Cornstarch in cookies? The only things I've ever done with cornstarch are add it to gravy and make homemade silly putty. The rest...

This post is in honor of my fabulously youthful, eternally restless mother who  recently upped her crazy on me. Moms do that sometimes, right? Mine can't be the only one. Anyway. My mother, like most other women, is constantly searching for the fountain of youth. She...

I'm on a cleanse. And that means I'm grumpy. I'm grumpy so I'm making cupcakes to cheer myself up. The only problem is, I can't taste test anything. Ugh. Anyway, my coworker Dustin and I went to lunch the other day. Since I'm on a cleanse we had...

My boss's favorite cupcakes are Strawberry. So what do you do when it's your boss's birthday and you happen to love to bake? You suck up. You suck up by making the fanciest strawberry cupcakes that you have ever made. That's right people, none of that box cake...

Since it's Valentine's Day, I'm going to take it upon myself to give you some relationship advice. It has to do with men and cars. Better yet, it has to do with men and driving. Did I mention I can't promise that it's good advice? Here goes:...