Author: KWahlman

HOLY CELEBRATION PEACHES ARE BACK! Sweet, juicy, glorious peaches!  We are still at the very tip of the season, but as soon as I saw them show up at my local market I couldn't resist snagging a few. Tip: When picking out ripe peaches, use your...

Let me start by saying I have absolutely no issue with gluten. Actually, I love gluten. I can't imagine life without perfectly chewy pizza dough, crusty french bread, or fluffy cupcakes. Would that even be a life worth living? I actually took part in a conversation this...

Confession. If there is such thing as a hoarder gene, I think I may have it. Not full on, TLC Hoarding: Buried Alive status, but I think there is a tiny little hoarder living somewhere in the back alleyways of my brain. We are having a garage...

It's been a good week in Butterlust Blog land! Not that every week isn't a good week. How can it not be when I'm surrounded by sugar and butter? But this week = extra good. Why so good you ask? Well, two reasons. First, thanks to all...

I’m jonesing for a tropical vacation this week. Maybe that’s why I’m making skinny cupcakes. My subconscious is prepping me for an imaginary vacation for which I am required to wear a bikini 12 hours a day. If this is an imaginary vacation let’s give me...

Chocolate on chocolate on chocolate. Chocolate for miles. These cupcakes are for all you chocolate-obsessed, coo-coo for cocoa, love choco-LOT folks out there. The cake is moist and dense and the icing is a thick, rich combination of 2 types of chocolate and 3 types of dairy...

  I know I'm  a little bit late on this Mother's Day post. Just like I'm a little bit late on getting Mom's present together. And yes, I have an excuse. I had my biggest cake ball order yet this week! I made 300 cake balls...

I'm becoming even more blog obsessed than I was before. In particular, with the photography portion. was recently brought to my attention as a source for sharing photos of all of the delicious treats I make for y'all. Think of it as the place where...

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! I hope that you are celebrating with tubs full of guacamole and margaritas! Or is that just a Texas thing? Here in Texas, we have strong roots in Mexican heritage. For example, Tex-Mex. That cheesy, greasy cross between traditional Mexican and cowboy foods, best washed...