Hi There! My name is Katie and this here is my little corner of the interwebs. Thanks for stopping by!




I Love Food


Obviously, right?

Despite my upbringing in a minimalist cooking household, I stumbled upon my passion for all things culinary as a teenager. One day I turned on the Food Network and didn’t turn it off until 3 years later. During this time I held a job as an ice cream cake decorator ($7.00 an hour!), where I was able to hone my edible bedazzling skills. To this day, it remains my favorite job ever.


So I Started This Here Blog


In early 2011 I discovered the fantastic-ness of Food Blogs. I immediately took a shining to all of the witty, intelligent and oh-so-crafty folks out there who have the guts to put their thoughts and creations out on the interwebs for everybody to read.  In September of 2012, I finally took the plunge and created my sweet little corner of the web, and before long my little blog had become a huge part of my life.


Baking allows me to combine my love for food (sweets, in particular) with my need for a creative outlet. After all, half the fun is in the decorating! I warn you, I’m notorious for my overuse of disco dust. I truly believe that edible glitter is the best thing to happen to the baking world since cake mix.


I am perfectly honest about everything I make. If I burn it, you’ll know. Too dry? I’ll tell you that too. Consider me your test kitchen. A lot of the recipes I share aren’t my own (though I add my own twist), and many of them I’m trying for the first time.


I am quite possibly the messiest cook on the planet and sometimes, I use cake mix. On that note, I must confess that boxed yellow cake with chocolate icing from the plastic jar will always rank in my top 5 favorite desserts. Did I mention that this is a no judgment zone?


XO, Katie


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