Minty Sauvignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet // Eff the Oven August

Minty Sauvignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet //  #vegan #dairyfree #glutenfree

Last night, I went to my second yoga class last of the last year-ish. Self clap!

Once upon a more fit time in my life, I used to go pretty frequently – once a week at minimum – but last summer in the midst of the move (and laziness) I fell out of practice. I’ve been meaning to go back for a while (erm…eight months, embarrassing, I know), but I was afraid of going to a new studio, and because I’m a giant excuse-making woman-baby I allowed myself to drift farther and farther away from my practice.

But, I’m back. And last night, I went to a fairly hard class. And it took every iota of strength I had not to blow chunks all. over. my. mat. (Somebody plleeeeeasse tell me it will feel good eventually and give me a saltine.) Half because all I’ve done in the last year is run for exercise (i.e. zero upper body strength noodley arms) and that class kicked my tush-ay. Half because I got all can’t-touch-this cocky and ate garlicky sweet potatoes less than an hour before class.

Minty Sauvignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet //  #vegan #dairyfree #glutenfreeMinty Sauvignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet //  #vegan #dairyfree #glutenfree

Yehaaa, I know. Mis.take. 

I know better than this. I can’t explain why I do these things to myself. BUT I was walking a very fine line hungry and hangry. And y’all, garlicky sweet potatoes. 

Of course, the real kicker is, we did inversions. Direct quote from the instructor — ‘Yoga is not a competition, not even with yourself. Feel free to rest in child’s pose if this does not agree with you today’. Yehaaa right.  Fell on def ears. I was doing a head stand, gahdammit.

Annnd then I spent the second half of class trying to hold back yogi barfo-rama 2K14. My intention for my practice went from getting’ back in the groove and kicking’ some yogi butt to do not puke all over my mat, in like, .000099 seconds.

So that happened.

I apologize for where I took this. It’s totally inappropriate to talk about vom on a food blog.

This is where I thank you for listening to me talk about barf. If you’ve gotten this far, you’re a saint and I made you boozy sorbet as a peace offering. And to help you forget all about the last 350 words. Please, just erase them.

Minty Sauvignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet //  #vegan #dairyfree #glutenfreeMinty Sauvignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet //  #vegan #dairyfree #glutenfree

Aaaaaand we’re changing the subject. 

All around the blogosphere people are talking about squeezing the last juicy bits out of summer, and I’m all over here like summer just got started down here, guys! Most years in Austin, if the temperature doesn’t break 80 degrees on Halloween, we’re happy. But for those of you, elbowing soccer moms out of the way at the market for the last of the summer produce, this is for you. Because a) sweet, fuzzy peaches and b) wine, because we need ta’ chill.

Peach fuzz totally freaks me out, btw.

This Minty Sauvignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet is an end-of-summer, white wine version of the Raspberry Zinfandel Sorbet I made back in April. Which I was and still am completely in lerrve with. It’s the best. And so so so  simple to make. <— that’s a ‘so’ for each of the ingredients!

This time around we’ve got my favorite summer wine, Sauvignon Blanc, combined with bright, juicy peaches and a refreshing dose of backyard mint.

Minty Sauvignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet //  #vegan #dairyfree #glutenfreeMinty Sauvignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet //  #vegan #dairyfree #glutenfree

For serious, you gotta try this. The alcohol content of the wine helps to keep this sorbet smooth and scoopable, never icy. The mint is optional, and you can adjust the amount based on your preference, but I thought it added a nice herbal touch.

Oooh, and if mint is not your thing you could sub lavender to fancy it up a bit. Fresh lavender is so so good.

Or experiment with different fruits and varietals. Strawberries & rosé. YES!!

Aaand one final note, this is another no-bake recipe because we’re still celebrating Eff the Oven August around here. I’d love to hear about your favorite no-bake summer desserts so leave me some love in the comments!

XO, Katie

Minty Savignon Blanc & Peach Sorbet


  • 1 bottle savignon blanc (or other white wine)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 cups sliced peaches
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup chopped mint (or less, depending on your preference)


  • In a large saucepan, combine wine, water, sugar and peaches. Bring to a boil and stir until sugar is dissolved, then remove from heat and add mint.
  • Cover and let steep for an hour. Pour into a blender and blend until smooth. You may need to do this in two batches, depending on the size of your blender. Pour through a mesh strainer to remove any large chunks of mint. Cover and refrigerate until cool.
  • Freeze in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions. Once frozen, scoop mixture into a freezer safe container (I like to use a loaf pan) cover and freeze for at least four hours before serving.
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  • DessertForTwo
    Posted at 18:16h, 20 August Reply

    First, this sounds awesome. all my favorite things.
    Second, omg vom in yoga. hahahaha. I’m a huge yogi, and I wouldn’t give up my practice for anything. I’ve driven to the yoga studio with tornado sirens going off, no joke. Love it!
    DessertForTwo recently posted…Comment on Cucumber Raspberry Pops by Dixya @ Food, Pleasure, and HealthMy Profile

    • KWahlman
      Posted at 18:24h, 20 August Reply

      I totally remember your ‘dessert on a yoga mat’ post from like, eons ago!! I’d pick you as my spirit yogi…if that’s even a thing. 🙂

  • Giselle @ the busy spatula
    Posted at 09:41h, 21 August Reply

    Did you ever take hot yoga? It was a struggle not to vomit every class for the first month. So, I get where you are coming from. Feeling nauseous is the worst. The flavor combo sounds amazing! Perfectly refreshing for the last of the summer here 🙂 p.s. You’re so lucky that summer is just starting for you!!

    • KWahlman
      Posted at 10:01h, 21 August Reply

      Hey Giselle! No, I’ve never taken hot yoga – I’m too chicken! Props to you for sticking it out!!

  • cynthia
    Posted at 12:56h, 21 August Reply

    HAHAha Katie, I love this post SO much. I just went to a yoga class a few weeks ago with a friend and realized it was my first one in YEARS. And I was SO. TIRED. (And that one wasn’t even hard, unlike yours.) It was pret-ty, pretty sad. I’m super glad I’m not the only one in that predicament — but also glad you didn’t sweet-potato-vom! (Also, “excuse-making woman-baby” is just an amazing set of words.)

    AND this sorbet is unbelievable!! Those photos are killing me — so, so beautiful!
    cynthia recently posted…Mini zucchini cake with basil-lime cream cheese frosting.My Profile

    • KWahlman
      Posted at 15:37h, 21 August Reply

      Thanks, Cynthia! 🙂 I’m going back for another class tonight…wish me luck!!

  • Erin | The Law Student's Wife
    Posted at 16:10h, 22 August Reply

    Congrats on getting back in it, even if your first day was a little rough. I seriously love this sorbet. So many wonderful flavors!
    Erin | The Law Student’s Wife recently posted…Salted Chocolate Olive Oil CupcakesMy Profile

  • Elizabeth @
    Posted at 23:52h, 23 August Reply

    Katie, you are hilarious. Never change, and never stop talking about vomit on your food blog. 🙂 Seriously, though, I know EXACTLY what you mean. I used to work at a yoga studio and got free classes, so I was pretty serious about it for awhile. Fast-forward a few years, I got out of practice and tried to jump back in the deep end–dang! Yoga is not messing around! It was hard and humblin fo sho. So I forgive you for the vomit reference, but I am still going to accept this gift of boozy sorbet, because YUM.
    Elizabeth @ recently posted…Peanut Butter Cup Ice CreamMy Profile

    • KWahlman
      Posted at 09:43h, 25 August Reply

      Thanks, Elizabeth! Ok, vom it is but only because you said so!! 🙂

  • ATasteOfMadness
    Posted at 12:54h, 28 August Reply

    Thanks for the reminder! I haven’t been to yoga in forever either. Back when I was still going to school, I would go before class every morning. It was such a great start to the day. I really need to get on it!
    On a more delicious note, this sorbet? Wow. I am definitely wanting some of this right now!
    ATasteOfMadness recently posted…Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip CookiesMy Profile

    • KWahlman
      Posted at 13:01h, 28 August Reply

      I’m not a morning person so it’s always the end to my day but still, such a wonderful thing to practice! Thanks for the kind words!

  • Nina
    Posted at 17:43h, 28 August Reply

    Hi! Where does the water fit into the recipe?

    • KWahlman
      Posted at 19:21h, 28 August Reply

      oops, sorry Nina! It goes right in the pot with everything else! Updating the recipe now!

  • Megan
    Posted at 13:20h, 10 June Reply

    Should I leave the skin on the peaches?

    • KWahlman
      Posted at 14:01h, 10 June Reply

      Hi Megan! I leave the skin on the peaches. Since you’re going to puree the mixture and then strain, any fibrous bits will be filtered out. Hope you enjoy!

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