Raspberry Zinfandel Sorbet

Raspberry Zinfandel Sorbet // butterlustblog.com

Hi there! I realize I’m a bit late getting this post up, but I hope you had a wonderful Easter filled with marshmallow peeps, chocolate bunnies & fat slices of carrot cake! Mine involved 2 of the 3 PLUS this sorbet so I’m declaring it a success.

And if you don’t celebrate Easter – I hope your weekend was equally as magical and sugar-filled!

Raspberry Zinfandel Sorbet // butterlustblog.com

Last Saturday we celebrated Steve’s birthday with kickball in the park. We brought coolers of beer and confetti eggs and joked about the proper squatting stance for catching a kick ball. There were even puppies and a baby which made me especially happy. While I grew up playing softball, kickball is not really my thing so I spent most of the game sipping Lone Star in the outfield and goofing off with Miss Longbottom.

Which came back to bite me in the butt later on…

Kickball was followed by fajitas back at a friends place. Four Two daytime beers and a couple tacos and this girl was out cold on the couch. Literally. Every party has a pooper…

To make it even more embarassing, Steve took the opportunity to take photos and post them to his Facebook. The college version of myself is shaking her head at my current state of light-weighted-ness. And Steve is in the dog house.

Lucky for him he surprised me with tickets to last night’s Haim concert so he’s working his way back into my good graces. Okay fine, he’s completely forgiven. Truthfully, there’s a 97% chance that I would have done the same to him. It’s best to have a sense of humor about these things. After all, we all have our open-mouthed-breathing-double-chin kinda momentsright?

Raspberry Zinfandel Sorbet // butterlustblog.com

And, I really love Haim. Can we take a second to talk about their awesomeness? Three incredibly talented sisters who each play multiple instruments and rock out to what has been described as ‘Fleetwooc Mac meets 90s R&B’ – what is there not to like? Plus, who hasn’t been waiting for the ‘girl group’ fad to come back into fashion since, oh say, 1999. You’re lying to yourself if you disagree.

I highly recommend you check them out if you aren’t familiar. The show was fantastic; I now have a girl crush on all three of them. And Este, the middle sister, has the most ridiculous ‘bass face’ –  it was impossible to look away.  It’s super strange but also mildly endearing.

Raspberry Zinfandel Sorbet // butterlustblog.com

Anyway, sorbet.

I’ve been itching to share this recipe with you since I made it a week ago. I hinted at it in my last post, where I paired it with Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate. A fantastic coupling, I might add. (My giveaway to win a free Ghirardelli Chocolate Gift Box is still open so hop on over and enter to win some free chocolate!)

Seriously y’all, this Raspberry Zinfandel Sorbet so so so good. ‘Triple so’ good. So good that I’m at a loss for words trying to describe it. And made even more good by the fact that there are only four ingredients! Three if you don’t count the water which is basically free…

It’s simple enough to eat on your back porch after a cook-out but also made fancy enough by the addition of vino to be the perfect ending to a nice dinner. I’m in sorbet love.

Raspberry Zinfandel Sorbet // butterlustblog.com

The method for this recipe is slightly adapted from this one by the famous David Leibovitz. The man is a genius.

Note that you do need an ice cream maker for this one. I have a tiny kitchen so the decision to buy an ice cream maker was a tough one. But it’s since found a perfect little storage place on top of my refrigerator and has become one of my favorite kitchen appliances. So if you’re wavering, just do it! Mine is this cusinart that I got for about $80 on Amazon but there are definitely cheaper options available.

Also, you can use the wine of your choice – though David recommends a fruity varietal such as Merlot, Zinfandel, or Beaujolais. I used Zin because it’s what Steve & I have been drinking lately, and I think it paired perfectly with the raspberry!

Enjoy! XO, Katie

Raspberry Zinfandel Sorbet


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1 bottle fruity red wine, such as Merlot, Zinfandel, or Beaujolais
  • 3 cups raspberries (frozen or fresh)


  • In a medium saucepan, bring the sugar, water, raspberries and red wine to a boil and let boil for 1 minute, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
  • Remove from the heat, cover and let steep for 1 hour.
  • To purée the berries and remove the seeds, pour the mixture into a food processor or blender and pulse until smooth. (I had to do this in 2 batches because of the size of my food processor.) Then, using a rubber spatula, press the mixture through a mesh strainer set over a medium bowl to strain our the seeds.
  • Cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.
  • Freeze in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions.
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