Classic Sangria

Classic Sangria {Butterlust Blog}

Confession: I have a sloppy, passionate love affair with all things Spanish. 

If you tell me something is from Spain, I’m all in. It could be covered in mayonnaise (the bain of my existence) and I’d probably still love it. As long as it’s Spanish mayonnaise, of course.

Silly? Maybe. Blinded by love? Most definitely.

Why Spain? I spent a summer in Sevilla during college and fell head over feet. Summer ’09…it was life changing. Four years later I still haven’t come down from my Spain-induced high. Who couldn’t love a country that produces things like…

…flamenco? (Spanish guitar…swoon.)

…the world’s best olive oil? (arguably)

Antoni Gaudí?

…queso manchego? (or quajada drizzled with honey. Perfection.)

…Pablo Picasso?

… Gerard Pique? (Shakira, you lucky betch.)

Classic Sangria {Butterlust Blog}

Classic Sangria {Butterlust Blog}

… and of course, Spanish wine? You can’t forget Spanish wine.

One thing it’s perfect for? You guessed it, Sangria.

Sangria is one of the most well known products of Spain. Unfortunately, in the U.S. you often find the pre-made bottled stuff that is syrupy and harsh-tasting. Can you even really call it Sangria? Where is the fruit?! Why does it taste like sugary jet-fuel?

While well known on this side of the pond, there are quite a few misconceptions about this summer treat.

For one, it’s not supposed to come in a bottle.

Classic Sangria {Butterlust Blog}

Classic Sangria {Butterlust Blog}

Secondly, Sangria is essentially the “party punch” of Spain. Oh what? You always thought it was a Spanish staple, sipped on by Penelope Cruz look-a-likes while sitting on a terrace over-looking olive fields and listening to Spanish guitar?

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is party juice, folks. The idea behind Sangria is is this: throw together some cheap alcohol, add some fruit to make it taste better and get party-goers inebriated.

And let’s be honest. Sangria does it’s job well.

It just so happens that when done right, it’s damn tasty as well!

This Classic Sangria recipe turned out perfectly. It is just like the Sangria I drank during my verano de España. Not too sweet or syrupy with a hint of citrus to make it perfectly refreshing on a hot day. Serve it with a slotted spoon because you are going to want to snack on the fruit.


Classic Sangria


  • 1 bottle Spanish red wine
  • 1/4 cup brandy
  • 1/4 cup Triple Sec or Grand Marnier
  • 1 11.5 oz. bottle lime flavored sparkling water (I used Topo Chico Twist of Lime)
  • 1 large orange, cut into bite sized chunks
  • 1 green apple, cut into bite sized chunks
  • 1 large lemon, thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp sugar


  • Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and give it a good stir to mix the ingredients.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving.
  • Serve chilled.
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1 Comment
  • Miss Messy
    Posted at 08:33h, 15 July Reply

    I love sangria and you’ve described it perfectly! 🙂 Looks delicious!
    Miss Messy recently posted…Coconut ToffeeMy Profile

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