No-Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Corn Flake Bars

No Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Corn Flake Bars

The other day, I received a recipe request from a  Miss Sheila Longbottom.

Sheila not-so-subtly expressed her interest in these No-Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Corn Flake Bars. The body email went something like “I WANT THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!”.

Then she even told me that she LOVES me.

A little bit strange for a random reader…

Funny thing is, Miss Longbottom has the exact same email address as my best friend. Crazy right?!

And what’s the point of having a best friend if you can’t humiliate each other on the interwebs once in a while?

Miss Longbottom and I go waaaaaay back. We met freshman year of college, when we were randomly paired as roommates in our 25th floor dorm room. She was a sweet, all-girls-boarding-school-graduate and I was a party fun-loving girl from the west side of Houston. It didn’t take long for us to become inseparable.

Miss Longbottom likes to tell the story of the moment she knew we were real friends. It has something to do with coming home from a party one night to find me scantily-clad, eating Taco Cabana queso and chips on our dorm room floor. What’s that? Of course I was sober.

I remember it differently, I don’t know what she’s talking about.

…OK that’s a lie. That’s exactly how it went. Somehow this just went from embarrassing Miss Longbottom, to revealing far too much about myself.

Anyway, Miss Longbottom and I have made some seriously epic memories over the last 7 years. After 4 years of living together, multiple boyfriends and countless nights out on the town, we’ve both taught the other some very valuable lessons.

For example, I introduced her to the world of DIET sodas and taught her the meaning of the word “shawty”. And in return, she taught me how to two-step and that you are NOT supposed to put your bras in the dryer. Who knew?

We’ve both changed a lot since fall of 2006….


…and we like to think there has been some improvement.

And just for fun, here is a BRIEF glimpse into our love affair.

collage2And since I love her, what Miss Longbottom asks for, she shall receive. I’m not surprised one bit by her request for this recipe. Chocolate & peanut butter hold a very special place in her…err stomach. (I know this because I knew her during her chubby period.)

No Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Corn Flake Bars No Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Corn Flake Bars No Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Corn Flake Bars

These No-Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Corn Flake Bars are great for summer because well, they’re NO BAKE. You do have to use the stove but this recipe only takes 15 minutes max from start to finish.

I think Miss Longbottom will approve.

And also ladies, the original recipe claims  that these babies are man magnets. Just sayin’…

No-Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Corn Flake Bars


  • 3 cups corn flakes, crushed
  • 1 cup crunchy peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup white corn syrup
  • 12 ounces chocolate chips
  • Reese's Pieces, chopped


  • In a large pot, heat peanut butter, sugar and corn syrup over low heat to melt.
  • Stir in the cereal and coat well.
  • Press into a lightly grease 8X8 pan.
  • Melt chocolate chips in the microwave and pour over corn flake mixture, using a spatula to smooth.
  • Sprinkle with chopped Reese's Pieces while chocolate is still wet.


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  • Rachel
    Posted at 16:29h, 26 June Reply

    Danger danger! Mmmmm…

  • Heather @midnitechef
    Posted at 01:04h, 27 June Reply

    Dang these look GOOD! Especially at 1am after scrolling Facebook reading the political mud fight going on here….
    Heather @midnitechef recently posted…Cupcakes & Cocktails Tickets Available!My Profile

  • Dianna
    Posted at 16:20h, 05 July Reply

    I love butterscotch! How do you think changing either the chocolate chips or peanut butter with melted butterscotch chips would taste? The cornflakes sound yummy in this recipe, too. Can’t wait to try it!

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