Mixed Berry & Plum Hobo Packs + Grilled Pound Cake

Mixed Berry & Plum Hobo Packs + Grilled Pound Cake // butterlust.com @butterlustblogMixed Berry & Plum Hobo Packs + Grilled Pound Cake // butterlust.com @butterlustblog

It’s getting to that point in the summer where my air conditioner is constantly a’hummin’ and my utility bill is high enough to warrant the consumption of budget-friendly beans and rice for dinner every night until we see temps below 85F again. How in the hell can 564 square feet cost so much money to keep cool?!

Okay, so we’re not really eating only beans and rice because no amount of sriracha could keep that interesting for long, but it does mean that two things are happening a lot more frequently around here  — LOTS of cold salad meals, and when we’re actually cooking, we take to the grill.

Mixed Berry & Plum Hobo Packs + Grilled Pound Cake // butterlust.com @butterlustblogMixed Berry & Plum Hobo Packs + Grilled Pound Cake // butterlust.com @butterlustblogMixed Berry & Plum Hobo Packs + Grilled Pound Cake // butterlust.com @butterlustblog

How, you ask, does one satisfy her sweet tooth without turning on the oven? Well, the first answer is ice cream. DUH. But the truth of the matter is, when you’re as far down the sugar addiction rabbit hole as I am, sometimes (okay, a lot of times) the only thing that can scratch the itch is a fat slice of cake. In the case of this recipe, store-bought, frozen pound cake from the rarely-visited “frozen desserts” section of my grocery store. Yeah, I went there.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and to be honest with you, it’s pretty damn good. Texturally, it quite light with a fine crumb and spongy texture — hard to achieve when creating a homemade pound cake, as many home bakers can attest. The flavor though, will never match that of a homemade cake, and that’s where these hobo packs come in. They’re the actual star of the show here, the cake is purely of a vehicle for shoving warm, juicy fruit into your mouth as deliciously as possible.

Hobo packs are relatively new to me. Developed by campers (or maybe actual hobos?) as a quick and mess-less way to cook over a campfire, they can be either sweet or savory. The idea is simple — wrap your food up in foil, place in hot coals or over a grill, and cook through. The real beauty of this method of cooking though, is that when exposed to heat the packs’ contents release their juices and everything kind of just melts together into a sort of steamy, single-serving of fire-roasted stew. If we’re talking savory, a little toasty bread and you’re set. It’s simple, outdoor cooking at it’s best.

Mixed Berry & Plum Hobo Packs + Grilled Pound Cake // butterlust.com @butterlustblogMixed Berry & Plum Hobo Packs + Grilled Pound Cake // butterlust.com @butterlustblogMixed Berry & Plum Hobo Packs + Grilled Pound Cake // butterlust.com @butterlustblog

Of course, we’re not accustomed to talking savory around these parts, so onto the Butterlust version. These hobo packs combine gorgeous ruby-fleshed plums with three kinds of berries and (obviously) just a touch of butter and sugar for added flavor and richness. When cooked for 10 minutes on the grill, all of the fruit’s juices release and create something very similar to a crisp or cobbler base. Everything is then spooned over smoky, toasted pound cake and topped with fresh, unsweetened whipped cream (if you’re feeling less hobo, more fancy). The grilled pound cake acts like a sponge, absorbing all of the bubbly, sweet nectar that the fruit has released, melding together into one incredibly magical semi-homemade dessert.

I developed this recipe in partnership with Kendall-Jackson — it’s meant to be paired with their K-J AVANT Red Blend, and really, you should try it. It’s such an easy red to drink, even in the summer, and pairs beautifully with the depth of flavor that berries take on when heated. I’m quite smitten (and maybe a little tipsy, too). Hop on over to the K-J blog for the full recipe!

One more thing!  This seems like the perfect time to mention that next week kicks off Butterlust’s second annual Eff the Oven August! I’m going to be featuring an entire month of no-bake recipes because let’s be honest, nobody wants to turn on their oven in this gawdawful heat. GET EXCITED, GUYS. I’ve got some goodies coming your way!


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  • Rachel @the dessert chronicles
    Posted at 08:50h, 30 July Reply

    I have never heard of hobo packs before, but I LOVE this idea. So much fun!!
    Rachel @the dessert chronicles recently posted…Watercolor Sugar CookiesMy Profile

    • KWahlman
      Posted at 11:28h, 30 July Reply

      Thanks, Rachel! They’re new to me too, but SO happy I stumbled across them!

  • CakePants
    Posted at 11:02h, 30 July Reply

    Grilling store-bought pound cake = genius. I don’t know how you survive in heat like that (I’d probably be cranky and irritable all summer long)! But at least it looks like you’ve got a great handle on hot weather desserts – this looks phenomenal!
    CakePants recently posted…Cherry Cheesecake Mousse with Gingersnap GranolaMy Profile

    • KWahlman
      Posted at 11:30h, 30 July Reply

      I don’t know how people survive the snow! I guess it’s just what grow up with and are used to. 🙂 But seriously, I’d take 100F over 20F any day!

  • June @ How to Philosophize with Cake
    Posted at 05:59h, 31 July Reply

    Grilled pound cake, now that sounds like a great idea! Especially with all that fresh fruit 🙂
    June @ How to Philosophize with Cake recently posted…Vegan oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip sconesMy Profile

  • Alexandra @ Bright-Eyed Baker
    Posted at 10:42h, 31 July Reply

    I had no idea a hobo pack was a thing until reading this post – totally thought you were just making up a new term. :p This dessert sounds incredible and SO easy… love it!
    Alexandra @ Bright-Eyed Baker recently posted…Peach Pie MilkshakeMy Profile

  • cynthia
    Posted at 09:03h, 07 August Reply

    Holy moly, toasted pound cake!!!!! That already blew my mind, but now you’ve introduced me to hobo packs on top of that, and mixed-berry plum ones no less — all of this is incredible. Your dessert genius never ceases to amaze me, Katie!
    cynthia recently posted…Fig, rose, & almond granola parfaits.My Profile

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